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Cook healthier using less fat and more fresh ingredients
Prepare dishes you've never dared before in record time
Whip up creative, delicious meals with whatever  happens to be in the fridge or pantry
Tarte à la courge
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Who am I?

My name is Kristina. I'm an American/Swiss mother of 3 and have been living in Chexbres (in the Swiss state Vaud) with my husband since 2006.


My passion is cooking. But I  ADORE cooking with my Thermomix®! 


A Thermomix® "addict" since 2004, I decided to become a spokesperson for this amazing food processor in 2012 as a sales representative for Thermomix-Suisse. In 2017 I became, and am still today, a team leader.


As my family, friends and clients would confirm, a day never goes by in the kitchen without without the assistance of my magic food robot, the Thermomix® 😍.  


The initial idea of this blog is to share with you my favorite recipes adapted to the Thermomix®, but also to offer you tips and ideas to help you get the most out of this fabulous cooking machine. 


Under each publication there is a "comments" section meant to encourage you to give your opinion and share ideas concerning the recipe or article in question. I am counting on you!

Please note the recipes/articles of this blog are only in French. If you would like something translated into English, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you.

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